Create SSO Client for Application
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To allow client application to access Service Registry secured by SSO, a SSO client ID and secret should be given to the client application so it can use the given client ID and secret for authentication when it calls Service Registry APIs. Also, the client ID and secret will be used to configure Kafka Producer and Consumer when the the client application wants to access Service Registry.
Following these steps to create a new SSO client:
Login to SSO web console with admin user.
Select the Registry realm (or the realm you created in this section), then select Clients menu, and then click Create button.
Enter Client ID value as you need, then click Save button.
Change Access Type to confidential
, turn off Standard Flow Enabled and Direct Access Grants Enabled options. And turn on Service Accounts Enabled option to enable OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials flow only.
Note. You can enable others flows as you need. But for demostration purpose, only Service Accounts Enabled option is enough.
Scroll down to bottom then click Save button.
Go to Credentials tab, you should be able to see secret value. This will be given to client application along with the client ID.