Configuring Service Registry
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Go to Operators -> Installed Operators menu, then select Red Hat Integration - Service Registry Operator.
Select the project you've created earlier then click on Apicurio Registry tab, and then click on Create ApicurioRegistry button.
Switch to YAML view, then copy all content in apicurio.yml file to the editor and update username, password, and url from the secret. Then click on Create button. The operator will deploy Service Registry for you.
You can also customize URL of the Service Registry by adding a host
element under the deployment
element like the snippet below. The URL will be used to configure Route object.
Switch to Developer perspective, then go to Topology menu. You should be able to see the Service Registry pod. Click on the arrow icon to open Service Registry web console.
You can now start using the Service Registry via web console. However, Service Registry also can be interacted with using REST API. You can see the OpenAPI/Swagger specification by changing the URL to /apis
as following screenshot.