Configuring Service Registry
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Go to Operators -> Installed Operators menu, then select Red Hat Integration - Service Registry Operator. Click the Apicurio Registry tab, and then service-registry link to update Service Registry.
Insert this snippet under the configuration
section as a screenshot below.
Make sure you have edit the url
value to be the same as Keycloak HTTP route (as you configured in Ingress
in this section) or HTTPS route (you've noted in the step 5 in this section) depends on whether you're using HTTP or HTTPS for Service Registry web console URL.
Also update the realm
attribute value as well if you changed to something else when you created a realm in the step 2 in this section.
Wait for a few minutes, the Service Registry Operator will rollout new pods with the configs. Then open the Service Registry web console URL, you will be directed to login page via Red Hat Single Sign-On.
Enter username and password configured in YAML when you created KeycloakRealm in this section to login.
You should be able to log in to Service Registry web console and log out from the console via user icon at the top right corner.